Add multi sounds upload [v3]
Been using this and wanted to point out that there is still some work to be done, I noticed a LOT of crashes happening when doing multi-upload.
Going to be completely honest when I say it's very frustrating for a product I paid for to not have a tool to import/export my previous saved sounds I spent hours upon hours curating to the new version.
Not only that but waiting almost a full year for a multi-upload and then having it crash every 5 sounds is.....well it's extremely off-putting, taking me to the point of not trying again and never going back. coke
NorthernLaw I am sorry for what is happening and the time we are needing to help v2 users move to v3.
We are close to having that tool that will facilitate the migration, but we want to debug this issue before that comes.
I have been trying to reproduce the problem but have not been able to, could you tell us when it happens to you, is it with Drag & Drop or with the browser?
Is it with any audio or with some?
Are you in our Discord: Maybe it's easier to talk there live.
coke I am in the discord server yes. Same username on everything.
What was happening was I was adding sounds from my files, and it was going fine for like 5 minutes or so then it got to the point where it started crashing mid upload for some files, not sure why. It's tough with the 20 upload limit so I had to select only 20 at a time.
coke Just reviewing and after adding all my sounds it seems that some are corrupted and now I need to delete everything and try again.
This again is extremely frustrating. I'm giving it one more try and if I face some sort of unnecessary issue like this I'm probably just going to upload sound straight to the stream deck, skipping Voicemod entirely. I just cannot deal with issues like these, especially since it takes hours to curate my soundboard properly and I've had no working soundboard for over a year now or however long it's been since V2 broke for me.
NorthernLaw Thank you for your feedback. Let's talk on Discord and try to solve these problems. We are very interested.
Since last Friday it is possible to upload more than one file at a time to your soundboard in v3.
coke Thank you! Will have to try it this week sometime and finally start using V3. I haven't had my soundboard since probably March 2024
Chase Courtney
I will not use V3 until this feature is added tbh
Merged in a post:
Ability to select more than one audio
When you go to upload sounds it doesnt allow you to select multiple files. I have a lot and I don't want to put them in the software one by one.
Merged in a post:
Unable to upload multiple soundboard files at once with new version.
I am unable to add multiple files to my soundboard with Voicemod's new version like I could with the older one. I would like this remedied.
Merged in a post:
V3 UI. Needs some more streamlining work.
Noah Vance
Don't know If I was just doing something wrong, but when I re-uploaded my soundboard clips, I found that I couldn't stack uploads like I could in V2 and had to upload every sound clip one by one. (Not a problem for me as I have only a few sounds but this is a huge problem for someone has has 100+ sound clips.) Also, really not a fan of how the favorite voices is put on a separate tab instead of at the top of the voice search like it was in V2. Finally, please return the pop-up tab slider for adjusting the master volume and noise-gate. It's really tedious having to go into settings just to adjust these options (especially having to open the mixer mode and click on advanced settings just to find the noise-gate slider.)
Noah Vance You have made too many requests in one post.
It would be necessary to split them so that they could be valued by the Community.
In the meantime, the first request already exists and I will merge your post.
Merged in a post:
Add multiple sounds at once
Riwan Lucas
On voicemod v2 we could add several sounds at once but now we can no longer do "drag and drop" and also select several sounds at once in the selector integrated into voicemod... for once voicemod v3 has quite a few downgrades and I plan to stay on V2 until the problem is resolved
Merged in a post:
Can't upload multiple sound files at once
The newer V3 doesn't allow me to upload multiple sound files to a soundboard at once which is a MAJOR inconvenience!
Merged in a post:
Please add a way to add multiple mp3 files to a soundboard at one time!
Jackson Willis
As somebody who does and has been using voicemod for soundboards exclusively for several years, I have multiple different soundboards with hundreds upon hundreds of sounds to a soundboard, all of which I have to add one by one because there's currently no system for adding in bulk. Adding a way to multi-select files to upload or entire folders would be extremely helpful and appreciated
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